Saturday, July 18, 2015

Sundaratha Dhyaney

Abhang in Marati - sung by a man living in remote Sivaganga in Tamilnadu... can you imagine this happening when there was no television, mobile phone with whasapp and facebook??

I have heard my grandfather singing this Marati Abhang during the Saturday Bhajan session in our house in my childhood days.

How did he learn this Abhang? How strong was the Warkari tradition those days? Where did the Warkaris roam around spreading their sweet songs?

How did people across States learn Shlokas in Sanskrit and songs in different languages - Telugu, Marati, Sanskrit?

As a child, when I listened to this song sung by my grandfather, I did not even know that the lyrics are in Marati language. The song must have gone into my subconscious mind though I never learnt this song or sung it any time, though we learnt many Bhajans from my uncle and grandfather.

Once I started living in Thane, when I heard this song sung by a lady in our colony during Vinayak Chathurthi celebration, I was overwhelmed with emotion and to the utter surprise of that poor lady, literally hugged her and told her to sing it again. She was too happy for the recognition she got for her singing and sang that song every day during those 10 days celebration. Even now after 29 years of living in Thane, this song makes me remember my grandfather first and this lady next and then only Vittal, the Vittewari...

Listen to this beautiful song in the voice of Pundit Sanjeev Abhyankar:

The song goes like this:

Lyrics in Marati : 

sunder te dhyan ubhe vitewari
kar katawari thehuniya 

Beautiful, it is, the object of my meditation / standing on a brick, hands placed on waist.

tulasi har gala kanse pitamber
aawde nirantar techi roop

A garland of "tulasi" leaves adorns his neck / yellow silken cloth, wrapped around his waist. I adore this image, unceasingly
makr kundale talapti shrwani
kanti koustubhmani virajati

Crocodile shaped earrings, shine brilliantly by his ears / a pearl called "Kaustubha" regally adorns the necklace.
tuka mahne maze hechi sarv sukha pahin shrimukh aawadine

Tuka says, this is my, only happiness / i will visualize ,the face of this image, with enthusiasm.

Thanks to blog of Drshashi from Kolhapur for the lyrics and meaning. Please read his full blog for the deep meaning in this beautiful Abhang:

Carnatic Music Queen M S Subbulakshmi amma is singing this Abhang in her inimitable style:

This is Aaashadi month when warkaris walk to Pandarpur carrying their beloved Vittal in palanquins.
Listen and visualise Vittala through this Abhang.

So, my Saturday starts with "dhyana" of Vittal through my grandfather and Tukaram Maharaj!  

Friday, July 17, 2015

Superstition or Super Faith.........

Today morning I went for a walk after a real long time. 

I walked up to the Raymond compound gate and walked inside enjoying the greenery and the tall trees on both sides of the main road.

Hanuman Mandir behind Singhania Statue was getting ready for Saturday pooja with coconuts and garlands.  As I did not want to remove my walking shoes, I stood outside and conveyed my respects to Hanumanji and continued my walk. 

I walked near the place where the grounded aeroplane of Sri Vijaypat Singhania is put up for display. The bushes with flowers bordering the ground attracted my attention. 

Mayil Kondrai: India Flower, Flowers Pl, Peacocks Flower

This is the flower which my grandfather used to pluck every morning from our little garden to do Siva Pooja for the 500+ years old Sambamoorthy Lingam being worshipped by the family for so many generations.

The sight of the flowers kindled thought of my dear grandfather and I continued my walk thinking how many opposition he must have faced when he did many things like founding a school for girls in that small little place Sivaganga when nobody thought of educating girl children..that too with no money in hand, as he was a simple school teacher supporting his big family and also that of his elder brother's family.

I continued my walk. 

I took one more round of the area around the statue and crossed  Hanuman Mandir. Now a lady was doing Harathi to Hanumanji while Punditji was ringing the bell and chanting Hanuman Chalisa. I felt guilty to just walk away so I stopped for a while with hands folded - but without removing my shoes - and mentally telling Hanumanji that He is a Monkey God and so He will not mind my standing with shoes..

I continued my walk and while crossing the area with flowers clicked a photo using my mobile camera, as the thought of grandfather was growing strong in my mind. A guard taking care of that area came in his bicycle and told me not to click photo. I told him that it reminded me my childhood days with my grandfather and he told me to go ahead clicking photo of the flower. He went away with a smile and I continued my walk.

I was thinking of some recent happenings in my life where some family members had cast doubt on my capability which had made me go into a shell and not take up any responsibility.   My official work also had been questioned and it had left me numb and depressed and I had started losing my confidence for the last so many days.

My walk continued and I crossed Hanuman Mandir. Now I stood in front of Hanumanji and my mind told me that I should not worry about what others think of me but continue doing what my conscience allows me as I had never done anything to harm anyone but have gone out of my way to help so many people - family members and outsiders. Sun can never change its character even when many tell Him that He is hot... I told myself, that I should ignore others comments like how my grandfather must have gone ahead founding the school in Sivaganga.

All this thought happened in a flash of a second and I continued my walk, suddenly with a spring in my feet and with sudden surge of energy in my body.

I took one more round of the statue area and while nearing temple area, I decided to circumambulate the temple instead of just walking near it. I go behind the temple and find that I have to do a little jump to reach the place as there is a small fence if I have to do a proper pradakshinam. So, I jump to the place behind the temple and walk near the temple. I am feeling strange energy and peace now which I have not had for the last so many months.

Then, I am walking near the aeroplane area and two old men - one in white kurta pyjama with pure white beard and the other man in simple trouser and shirt come towards me. The old man with white beard asked me in Marati how I am..  I replied in Hindi, "Namasthe, but I do not know you".. he replied in Marati, " but I know you... you be happy, everything is fine and you be yourself"... I am wondering why this man is telling me this and I ask him in Hindi whether he works in Raymond but thinking in my mind, why is he talking to me and telling me such words.

He smiles and I notice a sort of innocent but at the same time a mischievous smile in the face of the other old man standing next to him .. the man with white beard tells me again in Marati, " we work here and I know you"...

I said "namasthe" and started walking away from them.

After 5 or 6 steps, some thought crosses my mind and I quickly turn back to see the old men. They were not there. Though Raymond factory gate is easily 20 or 25 steps from that point, and I had hardly taken just 5 steps away from them, I am wondering how come they went inside factory so soon...

I continued my walk and the thought flashes in my mind that may be Hanumanji came as the old man with beard and my grandfather accompanied Him and gave me that knowing smile.

The words he spoke to me suddenly this morning.. can it be co-incidence or divine intervention to put me back to the track where I have been walking all along?

I feel reassured that God and my Guru have sent these people to make me feel confident and happy.  I am happy to believe that these two gentlemen are none other than Hanumanji and my grandfather... may be it is my superstition or my super faith in Him.

Ohm Sree Gurubhoyo Namaha!